Member Expectations

Members of Northern Utah Youth Symphony, Chamber Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, and Preparatory Strings:
Have auditioned for membership.
Are generally 14-18 years old (Symphony), 10-15 years old (Chamber/Wind Ensemble), or 6-11 years old (Preparatory Strings). Younger students are sometimes accepted based on ability.
Have at least three years (Symphony), two years (Chamber/Wind Ensemble), or one year (Preparatory Strings) experience on their youth symphony instrument.
Building a strong, musically oriented community is crucial for the growth and success of Northern Utah Youth Ensembles (NUYE) musicians. NUYE highly encourages its members to engage in their school music programs to enhance this community. NUYE is an independent organization and not affiliated with any school district. While most of the NUYE members do choose to be involved in these programs, membership with NUYE does not require it.
Are encouraged but not required to take private lessons.
Are extraordinarily committed musicians who come prepared to make fabulous music every week.
Are motivated towards excellence.
Learn their notes and rhythms at home. This includes taking time to listen to recordings provided by the managers and/or conductors.
Musicians arrive 20 minutes before the beginning of rehearsal, help set up, are warmed up and ready to play by downbeat time, and stay for the entire rehearsal.
We assume that everyone is doing their best to attend all rehearsals. We know that there are circumstances when musicians must miss a rehearsal. If, for any reason, musicians are unable to attend a rehearsal, must come late or leave early, they must clear this in advance with their manager by filling out our online absence form.
For NUYS contact Heather Lyman,
For NUYCO contact Josie Anderson,
For NUYWE contact Josie Anderson,
For NUYPS contact Jaquell Hubner,
Our choices should reflect our level of commitment. High commitment levels are a requirement for membership.
Communication is the key to handling busy schedules. If a musician has multiple absences that have not been pre-arranged, she/he may be asked by the conductor to sit in the back of the section or sit out the concert.
Members with more than three absences may be asked to demonstrate their personal preparation of the music by performing selected spots for one of the specialists.
Being asked not to play in a concert does not entitle a musician to a refund of membership fees.
Rehearsal Guidelines:
Arrive prepared: practice at home. Come mentally prepared to work hard and do your best.
Always bring music (do not rely on a stand partner to bring it for you), a pencil, and, if desired, a water bottle.
Dress appropriately (school guidelines).
Show proper respect to peers and to the conductors. Do not talk or visit during rehearsal time. When the conductor stops, listen. Visit with each other during the break.
Cellphones must be on silent and are out of sight for the duration of the rehearsal.
Respect the school property & facilities. Be considerate of the custodians who care for the building.
Music Policy:
Folders and music will be checked out to each musician.
The musician is responsible for that music; failure to return music will result in a $25 charge, or (if greater) the actual cost of the music, plus the cost of the folder ($13).
Music is due at the first rehearsal of the new concert cycle, or as otherwise instructed. Musicians will not receive new music until they have checked in their old music with their manager/conductor.
If a student happens to leave the orchestra between concerts, the top priority is to return the music and folder IMMEDIATELY.