Concerto Competition
2024 - 2025 Concerto Competition
August 10, 2024
Thomas Edison School (South)
1275 West 2350 South
Nibley, Utah 84321
Starting at 9:00 AM*
*Once Registration closes you'll receive an email with your time slot
Register Here
Registration is due July 31, 2024
Please read the policies and expectations below before registering.
Concerto Competition Policies and Expectations
Each year the Northern Utah Youth Symphony sponsors a Concerto Competition. To those interested in performing a concerto with the orchestra, please read the following:
Music Choices: Candidates for the competition must coordinate their music choice by registering on or before July 31st. This assures that their music choice is both available to and playable by the orchestra. No two candidates may audition with the same piece of music; pieces are reserved on a first-come basis. Candidates are encouraged to coordinate music choices as early as possible. Please email Heather at to verify.
Music must have orchestral accompaniment available. The music does not have to have "Concerto" in its title to qualify.
If the chosen music is unavailable other than as rental music, the costs for the orchestra increases exponentially. If chosen to perform a rental piece, the family of the performer is asked to assist with funding either by finding sponsor, fundraising, etc., to help cover the cost. If the piece is a rental, the performer will be informed of this situation before auditions take place. Average price for a rental: $400 - $500.
The auditions will be held on Aug 10th. Results will be posted as soon as possible after the auditions.
Auditions must be accompanied. Candidates must provide their own accompanist at their own expense.
Auditioning for concerto night is a privilege included in musicians' membership fee; anyone auditioning on an orchestral instrument must be an active member of one of the orchestras; those auditioning on a non-orchestral instrument (for instance, piano) who are not members of either orchestra pay a $20 entrance fee, due on the day of the audition. Make checks payable to LBSS.
Winners perform with the orchestra, one (sometimes two) concertos per concert. Concerts are generally mid-November, end of February or beginning of March, and end of April.
At the discretion of the judges, up to two or three performers will be selected each year.
Those selected to perform with the orchestra are ineligible to compete the following year, but are encouraged to perform in Recital Night, and return with a concerto the following year, if they have not yet graduated.
Only youth who are still in high school or younger are eligible to compete. This is not a college competition.
All candidates will be invited with other members of the orchestra to perform at the NUYS Recital Night, an inspiring evening of music featuring concerto audition soloists and other soloists from the orchestra. This concert will be a Saturday evening with a date TBD.