Northern Utah Youth Wind Ensemble
Audition Requirements
NUYWE rehearses Saturdays, 9:30 am to 10:30 am, mid-September through April, with three concerts a year. Rehearsals are at Promontory School of Expeditionary Learning.
Membership Requirements:
A minimum of 2 years experience is recommended on your instrument, or a letter of recommendation from your teacher.
Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the public school band for a minimum of 2 trimesters or semesters, for the current school year. Please contact us if you have extenuating circumstances.
- Although private lessons are encouraged, they are not a requirement for membership. Here's a list of local private teachers!
- Ensemble Members are expected to attend all rehearsals and concerts.
- For questions or more information, contact Josie Anderson,
If you are looking for info on our Concerto Auditions, they will be August 10. See our Concerto Audition page for more info.

How to Audition
In Person
Important Notes:
- Some schools don't start until after the audition date! Students who did not hear about the auditions soon enough are still encouraged to audition! We will not exclude you for missing the audition deadline.
We work with musicians who have marching band conflicts but they MUST communicate at the *beginning* of the season about *all* their conflicts, filling out the attendance form for every anticipated absence, and talking with the director.
Step 1: Click here to fill out our membership form:
We require all returning and prospective members to fill out our membership form before auditioning.
Step 2: After submitting this form, on the final screen, you will also be given a link to order your t-shirt. Collecting this info early will help with our ordering process. If you missed the link, here is the NUYE T-shirt link for your convenience.
Step 3: Sign up for an in-person audition, choose a time on one of the following spread sheet.
Step 4: Review the Member Handbook and fill out the Acceptance and Payment Form (per family) & the Medical Release Form (per individual) to be handed in by the 2nd rehearsal. Member Handbook and required Forms
Scroll Down For Audition Requirements​!
Step 1: Click here to fill out our membership form:
We require all returning and prospective members to fill out our membership form before auditioning.
Step 2: After submitting this form, on the final screen, you will also be given a link to order your t-shirt. Collecting this info early will help with our ordering process. If you missed the link, here is the NUYE T-shirt link for your convenience.
Step 3: Make a video recording of yourself, and upload it to YouTube, Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, Google Photos, or some other place in the cloud.
Step 4: Send us your link using this form, as soon as possible, even if it's after the priority deadline. Because multiple people will view your video, be sure your sharing settings allow anyone with the link to view.
Your video must be unedited, and 5 minutes or less, and should be recorded in one take.
Here is a sample video script, if you need one.
We accept new video auditions ongoing throughout the year, but depending on the timing of your audition, we may ask you to wait to join rehearsals until after a concert performance, or sit in the back of the section until seating is adjusted.
Step 5: Review the Member Handbook and fill out the Acceptance and Payment Form (per family) & the Medical Release Form (per individual) to be handed in by the 2nd rehearsal. Member Handbook and required Forms
Audition results will be posted via email and online.
This can take some time, so please be patient.
While you wait, click here to download and read through our Handbook and fill out the required forms.
Audition Requirements
Woodwinds and Brass
Chromatic scale starting on concert B-flat going up and down one octave, or full range if possible, played as quarter notes at 120 bpm playing/tonguing each note. Please hold the top note for four counts, take a breath and then play the scale descending holding the bottom note for four counts.
- Etudes
- ​These excerpts are suppose to be challenging, so just do the best you can. These excerpts will not make or break you audition! Tempos are listed, but not required.
Audition links can be found at:
You will be using “Audition Solo 1C” please make sure you find the correct etude.
You will use all “A” endings for this audition.
To access your etude, you will select your instrument from the drop down menu, scroll down to “1C click on “solo 1C” and print from there.
- ​These excerpts are suppose to be challenging, so just do the best you can. These excerpts will not make or break you audition! Tempos are listed, but not required.
A one minute (or slightly less) excerpt of a prepared solo, etude, orchestral excerpt of your choice. If you don't have a solo, reach out to us for resources. Please choose something that really shows off your skills.
Scales/Rudiments Scales must be played at least as quarter notes, MM=92 per note, although a faster tempo is encouraged. All scales are to be played ascending and descending (up and down).​​
Any 1-Octave major scale on bells
Any 1-Octave melodic minor scale on bells
10 Basic Snare Rudiments (your choice, i.e. rolls, flams, paradiddles, etc.)
A one minute (or slightly less) excerpt of a prepared solo, etude, orchestral excerpt of your choice. If you don't have a solo, reach out to us for resources. Please choose something that really shows off your skills.
We choose our music based on how our members perform the audition materials so we can best meet the group where they are at when we begin rehearsals. Play your best and know that we are excited to hear your audition!